lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008

Example of planning

Ministerio de Educación Pública.
PDirección Regional de Enseñanza Guápiles.
Las Mercedes Primary School.
English Department.
Monthly plan
Teacher: Sergio Ugalde Herrera. Level: first.
re-teaching: Daily routine, greeting, date, pray. Time: From July 23 to August 18
Cognitive target:
· Colors and Shapes:
· Size:
Nuclear family members
Expression of feelings toward family members

1. Identifying basic information in terms of colors and shapes.
2. Understanding conceptual meanings especially family members.
3. Imitating sounds pronounced by the teacher related to expressions of feelings.
4. Identifying sounds in a context written by the teacher.


1. Responding with single words, and phrases to what is heard.
2. Expressing conceptual meaning especially quantity and amount of colors, shapes and sizes.
3. Describing different figures and their shapes.
4. Using expressions that show emotions in different social settings toward family members.

Warm up:

1. With help of a song, the teacher is going to introduce to the students the new topic to learn in terms of colors and shapes.
2. Trough a game the students will be able to understand the topic introduce by the teacher about sizes.
3. The teacher will ask to the students what does each member into their family, trying to introduce the students to what is going to be teaching.
4. With help of some mask the teacher is going to show the students the different ways to express a feeling.

1. Identify basic vocabulary by playing games and singing song.
2. Perform instructions given by the teacher.
3. Elicit and brainstorm information related to family
members, colors, sizes and feelings.
4. Identify basic language in oral form about family members.

1. Match meanings with visual material.
2. Describe visual materials and realia.
3. Describe visual materials and pictures on the topics being studied.
4. Present role plays or information gap

· Coherence between feelings and behaviors.
· Respect for differences among people.
· Respect for others customs.

The students:

1. Identify basic information in terms of colors and shapes.
2. Understand conceptual meanings especially family members.
3. Imitate sounds pronounced by the teacher related to expressions of feelings.
4. Identify sounds in a context written by the teacher.
5. Respond with single words, and phrases to what is heard.
6. Express conceptual meaning especially quantity and amount of colors, shapes and sizes.
7. Describe different figures and their shapes.
8. Use expressions that show emotions in different social settings toward family members.


1. Recognizing colors and shapes
2. Identifying family members.
3. Describing family relationships.
4. Using basic sizes to describe people and things

1. Colors: red, brown, green, yellow, blue, and black.
2. Shapes: circle, round, square
3. Family members: Father, mother, brother.
4. Size: short, tall, fat, thin.

5. Feelings: happy, sad

· Who is this?
· This is my father.
· He/she is a boy/girl.
· Color the rectangle.
· What color is the rectangle?
· How many brothers do you have?
· My father is tall.
· I feel happy.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

Authentic Material
There are many references to authentic material in the ELT literature. Books and journals contain thorough explanations of why it should or should not be included in lessons, and how it is to be used or best exploited. But those authors who support the use of authentic material have in common one idea: "exposure". In other words, the benefit students get from being exposed to the language in authentic materials.
Differentiation of the terms “authentic" and "genuine material" has been a seminal one in the field so I should like to mention it here: Authentic would be material designed for native speakers of English used in the classroom in a way similar to the one it was designed for. For example, a radio news report brought into the class so students discuss the report on pollution in the city where learners live.
Most of the time, though, this material is used in a genuine way, in other words, not in the way it was intended, but in a somewhat artificial way. For example, news article where the paragraphs are cut up and jumbled so students have to put them back together in the correct order.

Non- authentic material
Autopens can be tough to identify, because they look so real. I caught this signature because it matches an example in a reference book in my autograph library on autopens. This signature looks a little wobbly on the arc of the "B". The line is thick and fairly uniform from beginning to end. Real signatures look a bit sloppier.

jueves, 31 de enero de 2008

Couples in their relationships VS Infidelity


We can say that infidelity is a phenomenon of relative frequency with a high rate of influence in the breaking up of relationships.
Infidelity has a devastating impact. The original damage originated by a breakage into trust cannot be mitigated and forgotten in an easy way. Several emotions and feelings are involved, and in many of the cases not expressed and solved. If the relationship continues, some resentment and dramatic changes might appear.

What is infidelity?
Infidelity means “a breakage in an agreement, trust and betrayal in a relationship. Infidelity is a loss of trust, a betrayal which requires a cognitive and affective reconstruction. Wounds are very profound and they last for a very long time, some are never forgotten.
v Factors that lead to infidelity
Sexual problems
Difference in values

v Types of infidelity
c) Infidelity due to monotony.
f) Infidelity due to in satisfaction.

v Consequences of infidelity
There are two ways of infidelity: continue with the relationship or a complete separation. Although only one might be the only one involved into another relationship, both might have several consequences:
• The union and the relationship are weakened. After an infidelity, some people divorce, other feel accused and punished for the rest of their marital life, where the one who was unfaithful might feel insecure, afraid of starting other relationships and, sometimes, seeking for a moment to take revenge over the other person.
• When falling into an adventure, we can fall into lack of love. An adventure is not an act of love; love does not destroy lives, or makes people feel sorrowful. Therefore love losses its true value.
• It affects children in a conscious and unconscious way. A child might fear abandonment, lack of trust, shame, blame, as in some form he or she feels responsible.
• The person who has been betrayed might feel not respectful and develop a loss of self esteem. All of this, summed up to the fact of facing society itself, might cause months or years of anguish.

v Suggestions to support therapeutic work on infidelity
Once that there is infidelity, the emotional effort is very intense. If the couple stays in the relationship and it is developed in a satisfactory way, an adequate reconstruction is convenient. Reconciliation through regret and forgiveness from both parts.
Therapy from the Gestalt point of view starts from the fact that solutions are inside human beings and it is in him that conflicts are created when trying to find excuses and attribute them to the exterior world, not living as they should.
Infidelity is a problem that we can see more often nowadays and in which several factors are recurrent: family, economy, job, politics, and social status. It is important to have the correct information about the subject and be able to understand it. No relationship is ahead of it, therefore it is important to point out that human beings have the capacity of deciding whether to do it or not. So then, no one is responsible if his or her couple was unfaithful. One alternative for infidelity problems is therapeutic work, where they can live their experiences at close hand and their feelings will flourish in order to arrive to coherent and mature decisions.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007

Tourist Attraction

Costa Rica
• Its beauty has many expressions .From valleys to mountain tops, sunny beaches to darkened caves, from one ocean to the other…. Here the spectacle of nature is on display .One can see the magic of a sunrise over the Caribbean Sea ,and later ,watch the sunset over the pacific from a comfortable vantage point on white-sands beaches. Costa Rica will please any traveler, regardless of age, budget or expectations.
• Costa Rica has it all and more! In addition to nature, the countries an example of political stability and democratic tradition. The military forces were abolished in 1949, choosing instead to invest in health, education and environmental conservations programs .That is why we love to say that ”Our army is comprised of students.” Excellent social and health services and high rates of literacy and life expectancy are other important issues.
• Costa Rica are commonly regarded as friendly people, ready to greet visitors with a smile .And because we are so proud of our nation, we want to share with you all our best.
• In Costa Rica there are many places for visit with a variety in down towns or countryside and also wonderful views to enjoy in many sides to the country.
In conclusion really we are persons so glad to enjoy every piece of Costa Rica has to offer free. One can see the magic of a sunrise over the Caribbean Sea, and later, watch the sunset over the Pacific from a comfortable vantage point on white-sand beaches .Costa Rica will please many traveler, regardless of age, budget or expectations. Costa Rica are commonly regarded as friendly people ,ready to greet visitors with a smile .And because we are so proud of our nation .Costa Rica is the best place to visit. Care our country is unique.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007

Classmates introduction to computers- Hyperlinks

Teacher, Carlos Mayorga
Charles Blake
Karen Rojas
Karol Martinez
Jocelyn Mata
Vismark Obando
Alejandra Moya
Luis Paulino Viquez
Bernardita Chamoro
Nidia Gayle
Andrew Mclean
Jonssin Soto
Natalia Lobo
meybel Mora
Oscar Conejo
Ariana Garcia
Heiner Pereira
Carlos Victor
Zoraida Cedeño

Aphasia By Jocelyn Mata O

This article was searching in the web side and this is a summary about it, like and interesting way to know a little more about strange word “aphasia”
Aphasia (or aphemia) is a loss of the ability to produce and comprehend language, due to injury to brain areas specialized for these functions. Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder that impairs a person's ability to process language, but does not affect intelligence. Primary signs of the disorder include difficulty in expressing oneself when speaking, trouble understanding speech, and difficulty with reading and writing. Aphasia is not a disease, but a symptom of brain damage. Most commonly seen in adults who have suffered a stroke, aphasia can also result from a brain tumor, infection, head injury, or dementia that damages the brain. It is estimated that about 1 million people in the United States today suffer from aphasia. The type and severity of language dysfunction depends on the precise location and extent of the damaged brain tissue.
Generally, aphasia can be divided into four broad categories Broca's aphasia are able to understand the speech of others to varying degrees. Affected people often omit small words such as "is," "and," and "the." Wernicke’s usually have great difficulty understanding speech and are therefore often unaware of their mistakes. Wernicke's aphasia may speak in long sentences that have no meaning, add unnecessary words, and even create new "words. Global aphasia, results from damage to extensive portions of the language areas of the brain. Individuals with global aphasia have severe communication difficulties and may be extremely limited in their ability to speak or comprehend language Patients with anomic or Amnesia aphasia, the least severe form of aphasia, have difficulty in using the correct names for particular objects, people, places, or events
Causes Aphasia the most common cause of aphasia is stroke (about 25-40% of stroke survivors acquire aphasia). A stroke occurs when, for some reason, blood is unable to reach a part of the brain. Brain cells die when they do not receive their normal supply of blood, which carries oxygen and important nutrients. A person can have aphasia without having a physical disability when a person acquires aphasia it is usually due to damage on the left side of the brain, which controls movements on the right side of the body.
Sometimes the people who have aphasia return to their jobs since most jobs require speech and language skills, aphasia can make some types of work difficult. Individuals with mild or even moderate aphasia are sometimes able to work, but they may have to change jobs. When the symptoms of aphasia last longer than two or three months after a stroke, a complete recovery is unlikely. However, it is important to note that some people continue to improve over a period of years and even decades. Improvement is a slow process that usually involves both helping the individual and family understand the nature of aphasia and learning compensatory strategies for communicating.
In addiction the prognosis and the diagnosis are varies widely and dependent upon age of patient site, size of lesion and type of aphasia.
There are several way to know how the symptoms like; inability to comprehend language, to pronounce, to speak, to form words, to name objects, to repeat a phrase, poor enunciation and others.
Beside people believe that the most effective treatment begins early in the recovery process, but also some language abilities return over a period of a few days to a month after the brain injury. In these instances, speech-language therapy is often helpful. Additional factors include motivation, handedness, and educational level. Family involvement is often a crucial component of aphasia treatment so that family members can learn the best way to communicate with their loved one.
Research about aplasia the use of computers in treatment is being studied. Promising new drugs administered shortly after some types of stroke are being investigated as ways to reduce the severity of aphasia.This kind of disability people never heard before include me. In conclusion when us meet a person with Aphasia tried to understad and comprehend and help,because you don't know if you are going to be the next . I hope all this information will be useful for you ,because it was it for me .